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Above the Notch Humane Society, Franconia
Animal Rescue Network of New England, Pelham
Animal Rescue League of NH, Bedford
Conway Area Humane Society, Conway
Darbster Rescue, Chichester
Friends of Manchester Animal Shelter, Manchester
HSUS (non-voting)
Humane Society for Greater Nashua, Nashua
Lakes Region Humane Society, Ossipee
Monadnock Humane Society, Swanzey
NH Humane Society, Laconia
NH SPCA, Stratham
Pope Memorial Humane Society, Cocheco Valley, Dover
Pope Memorial SPCA, Concord
Rolling Dog Farm, Lancaster
Salem Animal Rescue League, Salem
Spicy Cats Rescue, Exeter
Upper Valley Humane Society, Enfield
We Are Animal Guardians WAG, Peterborough

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